SOLD! Des Moines County 40 Acres M/L – $448,000 ($11,200/Acres)

This parcel lays well and has good road access. The farm lends itself to good drainage and with an 82.2 CSR2 rating, this parcel would be a great productive row crop farm when the CRP contract is up. CRP payment would be pro-rated to the possession date for the current year and assumed by the buyer after closing. A nice parcel to own!

Acreage Breakdown:

Cropland Acres: 40.24 Acres m/l

CRP Acres: 40.24 Acres m/l

Assessor Acres: 40.390 Acres m/l


Soil Productivity: CSR2: 82.2

School District:  New London School District

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP): Annual payment of $10,326.00 or $256.62 per acre expires September 2027. 

 Location: Located 2.5 miles east of New London  and three miles southwest of Pleasant Grove. In Section 29 of Pleasant Grove Township; bordered to the west by, 220th Ave, and on the south by 162nd Street.




Property Type :
City : Des Moines County, IA
County : Des Moines

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