SOLD!- Benton County 79 Acres M/L – Tillable CSR2: 79.5 – Sold For $963,800


Property Details

Legal Description:
Part of the S 1/2 of Section 28, Township 8 North, Range 1 West of the 5th P.M., Dubuque County, Iowa. Exact legal to come from survey.
Located three miles southeast of Farley on paved Hartbecke Road. Two miles from Highway 20.
Acreage Breakdown:
Tillable Acres:94.4
FSA Acres: 100.13*
Soil Productivity:Tillable CSR2:57.3
Property Taxes:Estimated $2,7600
School District:Western Dubuque Community School District
FSA Farm Base Acres:Corn Base Acres: 223
Corn PLC Yield:162
Oats Base Acres: 6.45
Oats PLC Yield:64
*This farm is part of a larger tract. A farm reconstitution plan will need to be completed to determine exact acres and yield.
A survey for this property is being completed. Nice opportunity to purchase a piece of land in close proximity to Dubuque and Manchester area, making it excellent for a possible building site.


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Area : 79 Acres
City : Benton County, Iowa
County : Benton

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