Des Moines County 66 Acres M/L – SOLD!

This farm is well suited for the cow calf operator, the cattle building is open to the South for the livestock yard and has machinery storage also. It is set up with concrete, gating and guard rail. There is a creek, pond and a well for livestock. The pasture and fence are in good condition. The farm is on a paved road and has a potential building site for a home located in a excellent proximity to the building and road.

Acreage Breakdown:

FSA Acres: 66.76 Acres m/l

Assessor Acres: 62.38 Acres m/l

Cropland Acres: 17.62 Acres M/L


Cropland Soil Productivity: CSR2: 62.9

School District:  Danville School District

Taxes: $1,284 annually

 Possession: At closing.

Location: Located west of Pleasant Grove in Section 11 of Pleasant Grove Township; bordered to the north by Pleasant Grove Road and to the south by 195th Street.




City : Des Moines County, IA
County : Des Moines

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